Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

Up, Down, Left, Right, X(2), L, R

100% of Multiplayer Bonuses
Up(3), Triangle(2), Circle, L, R

25% of Multiplayer Bonuses
Up(3), Square(2), Triangle, R, L

50% of Multiplayer Bonuses
Up(3), Circle(2), X, L, R

75% of Multiplayer Bonuses
Up(3), X(2), Square, R, L

Up, Down, Left, Right, Square(2), L, R

Black Traffic
L, R, L, R, Left, Circle, Up, X

Chrome Traffic
Right, Up, Left, Down, Triangle(2), L1, R1

Clear Weather
Left, Down, R, L, Right, Up, Left, X

Commit Suicide
Right(2), Circle(2), L, R, Down, X

Destroy All Cars
L, R(2), Left, Right, Square, Down, R

Faster Gameplay
Left(2), R(2), Up, Triangle, Down, X

Faster Game Time
R, L(2), Down, Up, X, Down, L

Foggy Weather
Left, Down, Triangle, X, Right, Up, Left, L

Full Health
Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle(2), L, R

Upside-down (Alternate)
Left(3), R(2), L, Right, Left

Overcast Weather
Left, Down, L, R, Right, Up, Left, Square

Pedestrians Attack
Down, Triangle, Up, X, L, R, L, R

Pedestrians Have Weapons
Up, L, Down, R, Left, Circle, Right, Triangle

Pedestrians Riot
R, L(2), Down, Left, Circle, Down, L

Perfect Handling (Press Down to make your car jump.)
Down, Left, Up, L, R, Triangle, Circle, X

Rainy Weather
Left, Down, L, R, Right, Up, Left, Triangle

Raise Wanted Level
Up, Right, Square(2), Down, Left, Circle(2)

Slower Gameplay
Left(2), Circle(2), Down, Up, Triangle, X

Spawn Rhino Tank
Up, L, Down, R, Left, L, Right, R

Spawn Trashmaster
Down, Up, Right, Triangle, L, Triangle, L, Triangle

Sunny Weather
Left, Down, R, L, Right, Up, Left, Circle

Square(3), L(2), R, Left, Right

Wanted Level Does Not Rise
Up, Right, Triangle(2), Down, Left, X(2)

Weapons (Tier 1)
Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Square, Left, Right

Weapons (Tier 2)
Left, Right, Square, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, Right

Weapons (Tier 3)
Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Left, Right

Pistol: Get 10 balloons
Scorpion (SMG): Get 20 balloons
Stubby Shotgun: Get 30 balloons

Unlockable Costumes
Army Fatigues: Complete the "Last Stand" mission.
Casual: Complete the "Conduct Unbecoming" mission.
Cuban style: Complete the Umberto mission "Strand".
Hired muscle: Buy a "High Roller" protection racket building.
Hood: Buy a "High Roller" robbery building.
Leisure: Buy a "High Roller" prostitution building.
Mr. Repo: Buy a "High Roller" loan shark building.
Pastel suit: Buy a "High Roller" drug dealing building
Smuggler: Buy a "High Roller" smuggling building
Trailer trash: Complete the "D.I.V.O.R.C.E" mission.
Wetsuit: Win all eight Jetski races on the Jetski at the film studios.
Winner's Outfit: Complete the "Last Stand" mission.

Unlockable Bonuses
Business bonus: Take over all 30 businesses to get bulletproof business vehicles.
Fire fighter bonus: Successfully complete 15 levels in the fire fighter missions to become fireproof.
Paramedic bonus: Successfully complete 15 levels in the paramedic missions to have unlimited sprint.
Vigilante bonus: Successfully complete 15 levels of the vigilante missions to get extra armor.

Jumping Taxi
Earn over $5,000 in the taxi missions to be able to press Down to jump while driving a taxi.

Unlimited Energy When Swimming
Successfully complete 15 levels in the beach patrol missions to never tire while swimming.

Maximum Health Increase
Successfully complete 15 levels in the air ambulance missions to increase your maximum health.